Saturday, February 28, 2009

i don't feel so good ::sniff::

wow...::reading below:: that's a poorly written lame bit of philosophy.
but zealots do exhaust me. there is never any 'wiggle' room with them, you know?
i am not using caps to conserve energy.
pretty sure i have bronchits or something, feel like hell, congested, blather, blather...need to look up insurance stuff.
you take care now, ok?
monday is my birthday.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Stop saying 'Everything happens for a reason'

Sure it does. It's called cause and effect.

People tend to say everything happens for a reason when trying to explain a mistake or a catastrophe. Frequently,religion is brought into it as in: It's God's plan, God is teaching us a lesson.
But it doesn't always wash, does it? What lesson does a victim and their loved ones learn if the victim is a child or if a tsunami wipes out a few villages, spares a few villages? The surviviors believed. The victims did not.
And this is where organized religion and I part company. I choose to live my life with this belief and this mystery: If there is a god, I cannot accept that he/she is so hateful that he punishes the innocent because...well, because of those moronic reasons listed abouve.
For me, it kind of simplifies Mobious strip discussions about god or religion or good or evil.

And zealots of every stripe exhaust me.